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When Should I Refinance?

The answer to this is highly personal and many layers to think __ in order to answer. __ below are some common of refinance and also _ reasons why one may __ something to consider.

Rate/Term Refinance:

This allows the borrower __ shorten their term, improve rate (or both). It _ can be done to _ a first and a _ mortgage that were used __ purchase a home or __ consolidate a first with _ variable HELOC that has had any draws in last 12 months. A _/_ refinance allows the optimal _ typically to accomplish these .

Cash-out Refinance:

This can be utilized debt consolidation in general, _- for home improvements, or _ off higher interest debt _ also may be variable. _ will most typically have _ slightly higher interest rate _ a rate/term but the benefit may be significant _ to make sense to __ so. Surprisingly, the rate __ this scenario can also __ lower than your current _.

Other reasons a refinance be in your future __:

  1. To get out of __ adjustable rate mortgage or __ payment note;
  2. A life change such __ a divorce requiring debt ;&_;
  3. To get out of __ FHA mortgage that carries insurance; 
  4. Cash IN refinance where customer has significant funds __ pay down a mortgage wants to take the _ to improve rate/term.

Each situation can be _ different which is why is no real “rule __ thumb” to answer exactly _ refinance can/should be considered. __ is important to sit _ with a knowledgeable mortgage _ officer to evaluate needs.. want to ensure that _ refinance transaction has a _ tangible net benefit to _ you make this important .

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