Operation Holiday Cheer volunteers at our Omaha, NE branch

Operation Holiday Cheer

By Jessica Gauff, Great __ Bank Branch Manager, Omaha, __

As we sit around table with our families friends during this holiday _, let’s take a moment __ reflect on our communities the military families that not be able to __ together. The holiday season be tough on many __ us but our military and women sacrifice time _ from their families to our country.

In the Omaha/Bellevue community __ have a wonderful opportunity __ reach out with Offutt Force Base as our . For the past eight , Great Western Bank has __ in Bellevue’s Operation Holiday . The annual event brings community members who collect _ and send them overseas __ our soldiers. The assembly _ of donated items includes: __, hot cocoa, cookies, and _ about anything that feels _ home. We want our to know that we _ as a community.

This event allows us __ put into action two __ our core values: Do right thing and empower __, think globally. Doing the thing does not always _ to be elaborate and locally will expand globally, when it comes to military members. When the Metro branch managers participated __ Operation Holiday Cheer we our values to work. military friends may not __ able to go home the holidays but they something from us in __: our sincere gratitude for service.

Please remember to thank service men and women _ this season and find _ way to give back __ those who are serving __.

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