Stock photo of two sons laughing with their dad

Our All Time Favorite “ Jokes”

Dads are known for _ priceless advice, providing unconditional __ and telling incredibly silly .

Despite how corny the may be, they still __ make us all laugh.

So, in honor of __ everywhere, we compiled our dad jokes that are _ to put a smile __ your face.

Q: What do you _ cheese that isn’t yours?
A: Nacho cheese!

Son: I’ll call you .
Dad: Don’t call me , call me Dad!

Daughter: Did you get _ haircut?
Dad: No, I got _ all cut.

Son: Dad, I’m hungry.
Dad: Hello, Hungry, I’m .
Son: Dad, I’m serious.
Dad: I thought you _ Hungry?

Q: What did the __ say when his son _?
A: Bison!

Dad: I wouldn’t buy Velcro, it’s a total -.

Daughter: So….?
Dad: No, but I’m .

Q: When is the _ time to go to dentist?
A: Tooth-hurty.

Dad: Did you know _ Fries weren’t actually cooked __ France? They were cooked __ Greece.

As you celebrate this _&;_ Day, we hope you as much as you !

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