Stock image of a dollar bill and a lock. Be weary of coronavirus related scams.

What you need to _ about COVID-19 and your

The evolving Coronavirus situation had a substantial impact __ the daily lives of _ all over the world. _ of us have made life adjustments and are _ trying to figure this as we go. During _ time of uncertainty, it __ not uncommon to have or questions regarding your . At Great Western Bank __ want to provide guidance resources to help you _ at ease, but also _ you aware of what __ watch out for.

Your Money Is Safe _ Us

The safest place for _ money is at the _. Your checking and savings at Great Western Bank insured and protected up __ $250,000 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (_) . The FDIC does protect funds you withdraw __ carry as cash. For _ reason, withdrawing large sums __ cash is not recommended. 
Great Western Bank has _ long history of being _ strong and (just like financial institutions across the __) we are consistently examined __ officials from Federal, State Local agencies to ensure practices are safe and _.

Coronavirus-related Scams

Fraudsters are taking advantage __ the Coronavirus situation as usage has increased due __ more people staying home are using fear to _ individuals more susceptible in __ victim to their deceitful _. Protect yourself by staying of the latest scams. 
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is warning consumers __ coronavirus-related scams such as:
  • Phony hospital websites offering information about coronavirus treatments.
  • Fake business websites claiming __ sell coronavirus cures and .
  • Phishing emails, texts and _ that look like they coming from the World _ Organization (WHO) or Centers Disease Control and Prevention () and contain “breaking news” the coronavirus or appear __ be coming from the _._. Securities and Exchange Commission () and contain “investment opportunities”.
  • Spoofed charities asking for _ to assist those who _ been impacted by the _.
The FTC has also the following precautions to _ to avoid falling victim __ these scams:
  • Don’t click on links _ sources you do not _ and never share sensitive information. 
  • Do your own fact and research by contacting __ resources.
  • Ignore online offers for _ vaccines and treatments.
  • Research charities before donating when you do give, safely – never by _ card or wire transfer. 


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Username and Password Security _

In an increasingly complex _ world, Great Western Bank () is always striving to __ their part to protect customers, from online banking __.
