Alex escaped war torn Bosnia as a child and now lives in the U.S. working at Great Western Bank.

Strength in Cultural Diversity—Faces __ GWB: Alex

Each year, World Day Cultural Diversity is honored __ May. This day serves __ recognize all cultures, deepen understanding around those cultures, better identify the values __ cultural diversity.

Within Great Western Bank, __ celebrate the cultural diversity __ our employees throughout the _ but are using the of May to honor _ of our own. As __ look to their individual __, we see a path _ with cultural richness, stories __ acculturation and an introspective _ at their uniquely individualized .

Read Alex’s story:

Alex, a GWB employee over seven years, recalls indelible memory of her waking her and her _ in the middle of night to escape their -_ country of Bosnia when was just five years .

That night, the three on their journey, starting _ a train ride to _, Germany where they would _ asylum with Alex’s grandfather. __ would be several months before Alex’s father would _ them in Germany. As _ member of the Bosnian , Alex’s father had to _ behind until he was _ to seek refuge and _ his family in Germany.

For three years, Alex her family lived in __ until they had to _ between returning to Bosnia __ submitting application to the _._., Australia, or Canada. At age of 8, Alex her family were given __ opportunity to start their in the U.S.

Alex speaks three languages: native Bosnian, German, and __. Her parents still speak __ in their home and _ returns the conversation in __. She understands what her __ are saying but over years has found it _ difficult to return the in Bosnian.

As the “new kid” __ school, Alex struggled to _. To compound circumstances, Alex’s __ were especially protective of and her sister. She restricted in middle and _ school from doing what otherwise be considered “normal” _ – no sleepovers or out with friends.

Alex now understands her __&; protective nature was in _ response to their formative _ in Bosnia. Family is center of all that __ important, and all that __ important is shared by family.

Alex, now the matriarch __ her own family, understands full sacrifice her parents _ for their family and _ the moments they spend _, defined by a story __ strength and perseverance.

Great Western Bank supports _ rich tapestry of cultural _. We recognize the differences __ our employees and support unique talents and backgrounds _ brings to their work __. From the diverse contributions __ our employees, we are __ together.

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