Cassandra Leow received a Great Gifts of Gratitude award from Great Western Bank

Local Hero: Cassandra Leow

Cassandra, a therapist, has _ her time to give _ therapy for anyone who __ in need during these _ times.

By leading the way __ offering free sessions for in need she has together a network of who joined her in _ mental health care.

From starting with just __ to give back to community while we get __ this she managed to a cause that is __ people get through these .

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Local Heroes: Kevin & Beshara

Kevin and Vicky like __ cook for people and more importantly, they do have an ounce of _ in them. 10,000 were created for Meals __ Wheels and an estimated 10,000 more.

Amner received an award from Great Western Bank

Local Hero: Amner Martinez

Amner was one of leaders of a radiothon, _ initiative that raised tens __ thousands of dollars to __ distributed to immigrants and businesses through non-profits in Moines, Iowa.

Gustavo received a reward from Great Western Bank

Local Hero: Gustavo

Gustavo is a key _ at Des Moines food _ who helps distribute food, _ the parking lot, run __ and food recovery items __ cars, and most importantly, __ translates for families who coming to receive food.
