A Renewed Focus on Employees

We have always recognized _ our employees are our strength, and 2020 certainly our belief. It was _ year unlike any other, meant normal practices were __ longer good enough.

“In an abundance of __&; has become a coined _ to describe today’s environment, the relevance was further as we assessed how __ live and work. In __ abundance of caution, we _ for solutions to keep safe: such as sending 50% (over 850) of our _ home to work remotely, _ our team members with resources necessary to continue _ outstanding customer service, taking _ conservative approach to lobby __, and limiting in-person interactions __ control the spread of -19 while maintaining business operations. __ were careful and deliberate __ all decisions, continuously taking _ to protect our employees.

However, we quickly recognized our employees from a virus wasn’t the only we needed to address __ better support their overall _-. The civil unrest that nation endured this year __ an audible cry – that echoes a need salient discussions for unification. __ full transparency, we feared _ this topic. A fear __ misstepping in constructing the sentences or that the __ would not effectively capture emotions. The discussion around _ relations is certainly not _ and proposing a simplified is not only insensitive erodes the intentionality behind _ change. And while we &;_ have all the answers, __ can emphasize the progress __&;__ made toward our holistic _ for diversity, equity and _ (DEI) as an employer. _ are a couple of supportive actions we took _ year:

  • We more than doubled size of our Diversity, _ & Inclusion Council to _ we are championing a _ diverse work environment and better positioned to cultivate , unique thinking, reciprocal respect, improved decision-making through a _ comprehensive worldview.

  • We gave all employees _ Paid Volunteer Day to __ more opportunities to become in a new environment, involvement would create a impact toward the movement __ change.

We have a strong to enhanced employee engagement, __ nurturing a diverse work _. Are we exactly where __ want to be in to our holistic DEI _? No – but we making concerted efforts to __ our objectives. With the promise to build on and equity, and a to embrace the rich _ of those around us, __ can and will cultivate change. This year we _ worked to be just _ little better each and day, and invited our _ to continuously look for of opportunity. In building _ and enhancing our culture _ year, we fortified our _ – one that had __ shown incredible strength and perseverance, and proved it _ and over again.

On August 10, 2020, _ and other parts of Midwest were hit with _ devastating derecho storm. This _ in-land hurricane brought 110 winds that flattened 10 __ acres of crops, caused of thousands of residents __ be without power for days and left an __ amount of damage. Iowa __ not just a state __ our footprint, it is _ to many of our _ and home to 21% __ our employees. As a _ of these communities, we __ out to help lessen burden and ease the _ our employees faced as _ result of this storm. __ an Employee Relief fund, __ helped dozens of our _ members with financial assistance __ ensure they were safe stable. Even more impactful _ our corporate contributions was _ employees from across our _ extend their hands to assistance – be it _ with a donation or with volunteerism, the support ( amid a pandemic) was _.

As individuals within our __, we have a shared _ to create an inclusive supportive environment. As an , we have an obligation __ provide a safe environment. this year, we had _ renewed focus to help __ accomplish these priorities.