Celebrating Pride Month at

Within Great Western Bank, __ celebrate the cultural diversity __ our employees throughout the _, and this month we celebrating the LGBTQ community. pride is the promotion __ the self-declaration, dignity, equality, expanded visibility of lesbian, , bisexual, and transgender individuals __ a social group. But Pride goes beyond that _. This month we are __ our promotion under a _; we are lifting our __ to a new height; __ are taking our inclusive __ and highlighting the ways __ which we can come to frame GWB Pride.

And for us, that __ includes a strong system __ allyship. An ally is _ person who supports the community and advocates for both privately and publicly. of the most important of being an ally __ the desire to learn, and to help people __ the LGBTQ community feel _ and included. By being _ supporter and advocate, you leading by example with hope that others will _. Below are six things _ GLAAD that you can __ as an ally to _ your support.

  1. Be a listener and _ an open mind
  2. Talk with people around who make anti-LGBTQ comments jokes and let them _ it is harmful and find it offensive
  3. Confront your own prejudices bias
  4. Correct people if they _ someone
  5. Believe that all people, of gender identity or _ orientation, should be treated _ dignity and respect
  6. Ask educated questions – do your own research

To help us illustrate _ this means, we asked of our employees, Carly _, to share her story. _ Carly’s perspective on allyship :

This past spring, I the privilege of being Matron of Honor at __ sister and her partner’s __. Not her gay wedding, _ her wedding. As a __ female, it is easy me to forget the _ that comes with choosing __ get married. A wedding a member of the community is more than &;_ a wedding” but it _ isn’t a spectacle or _ political statement. It’s just people who love each celebrating their love. My experiences have greatly influenced __ allyship and support of LGBTQ community, but not has had that pleasure.

Chances are, there is __ least one or more _ in your life who within the LGBTQ community. a lot of people, that someone they know __ LGBTQ can cause a of emotions from concerned, __ awkward, to honored. It be hard to know _ to say, how to , or how to be . The Human Rights Campaign _ it perfectly, in that should try to think __ it as “inviting in” __ of “coming out”. You being invited in to _ part of their life, this should be celebrated protected.

I am proud to _ for a company that and focuses on diversity, _, and inclusion. Our initiatives __ employees to contribute their _ perspectives and promote a environment in which everyone welcomed, respected, supported, valued, encouraged to be their _ authentic selves. Many of __ take this for granted, there is truly nothing _ than being your full _ self, whether that be __ your personal life or _ environment. June includes a month of Pride events resources, and I can’t _ to celebrate, listen, and .