GWB Blog

Zac receiving his award from Great Western Bank

Local Hero: Zac Triemert

Zac immediately jumped into _ and converted his business _ a manufacturer of hand _. He works tirelessly to _ and bottle as much __ possible, providing free bottles __ the general public.

Ruth received an award from Great Western Bank

Local Hero: Ruth Sorilla

Ruth put together a community group where neighbors __ all cultures and languages eat, socialize, support each and discuss issues in community.

Gustavo received a reward from Great Western Bank

Local Hero: Gustavo

Gustavo is a key _ at Des Moines food _ who helps distribute food, _ the parking lot, run __ and food recovery items __ cars, and most importantly, __ translates for families who coming to receive food.

Sven receiving an award from Great Western Bank

Local Hero: Sven Peterson

Sven, city manager in _ town of 8,000, ensured community was prepared for pandemic and spearheaded collaboration __ private and public sectors.

Michaela received an award from Great Western Bank

Local Hero: Michaela Gasca

Michaela helped a local shelter experiencing staff shortages. also helped design and a housing program for _ under investigation for COVID-19 COVID positive persons needing _ safe and secure setting __ follow social isolation and guidelines.

Jesse received a reward from Great Western Bank

Local Hero: Jesse Rocha

Jesse runs the St. _’_ Food Kitchen. It normally 300 per month. the beginning of the that number has increased __ 700 and above.

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