Lincoln Nebraska employees donated books to the children's hospital

Over 100 Random Acts __ Kindness

Pictured: Norfolk employee, Kristy __, delivering coloring books to pediatric unit at the __ hospital.

This October, employees in Lincoln, Southeast and Northeast territories were each given $5.00 with the simple ask __ perform a Random Act __ Kindness in their community.

Some branches pooled their _, some added their own to the initial $5.00, some sought opportunities close __ their hearts.

No matter the approach, impact was over 100 _ Acts of Kindness performed.

The outcomes ranged from:

  • Donating coloring books to pediatric center
  • Supplying a deserving family _ pumpkins and carving kits
  • Creating and distributing care to the homeless
  • Delivering baked goods to local fire station
  • Distributing rolls of quarters __ the Laundromat…and so the _ continues.

As community stewards, it __ with great hope that __ impact was made and _ a purpose was served.

Care packages are being assembled

Employees at our Lincoln Havelock branch assembled care packages __ be distributed at the homeless shelter.  Content included _ hat, Gatorade, hand warmers, granola bars.  


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