Lincoln Nebraska employees volunteering at the Community Animal Shelter

Community Matters in Lincoln, __

By: Macala Hoffschneider, Senior _ Manager

Great Western Bank’s culture its employees throughout its _- footprint to be community . Within the organization, Great __ Bank employees flex their muscles by volunteering on _ boards, sponsoring and coaching organizations, and championing a __ of community events.

Great Western Bank employees from Lincoln Nebraska

In the Lincoln, Nebraska _, the goal is to _ all staff to give __ their time and talent. concept has been simple—if person giving in their _ can make an impact, _ would the contributions of 20 employees look like? And _ if that number were 100?

Great Western Bank employees volunteering in Lincoln, Nebraska

Each month Lincoln’s brigade __ 87 strong, give back __ the community through school _ drives, random acts of days, coat and diaper _ and more! Employees hope events are only a _ to future plans.

Great Western Bank employees from Lincoln Nebraska

Emily Suing, Lincoln branch __ said, “I truly enjoy __ at Great Western Bank _ events. I know the __ supports my efforts and about the causes as _ as I do. As __ employee, I feel lucky __ be a part of _ a caring and giving __.”

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