Stock photo of a couple choosing paint colors for a nursery

How to prepare financially a baby

Proper planning can help avoid debt accumulation in to life changing events. of the many preparation leading up to parenthood __ planning for the financial __. We’ve amassed the list to help first time __ feel more prepared for of life’s most financially events!

Pre-Baby Planning

Everyone’s ultimate goal is __ have a healthy baby. it’s also smart to __ financially in the months __ up to the delivery.

The first step to _ avoid accumulating debt that take years to pay , is to realize your __ budget.

Before your baby is _, calculate how much money __ coming in, how much __ accounted for in reoccurring __ expenses, and how much be saved. With this _ in hand, you will __ better prepared to insert new expenses into your _ budget and know how _ will potentially affect other .

Healthcare and Benefits

  • Know how much unpaid _ you or your partner take. Consider the cost __ losing one or more _ streams for X amount __ weeks and plan accordingly.
  • Understand your health insurance anticipated healthcare costs. Talk __ your provider about an _ cost of delivery and stay to better understand _ out-of-pocket expenses for the event. Talk through payment with your provider.
  • It’s important to know _ during any unpaid maternity __ paternity leave, you may _ to also pay in health insurance costs that normally set up to automatically from your paycheck. 

Buying Baby Gear

  • Talk to other parents which gear you could _ instead of purchase. Some parents borrow or buy __ baby gear second-hand to _ a handful of cash. could include strollers, bouncy _, play pens, baby bathtubs, _ sized clothing or sleeping __.
  • Plan for additional everyday within your budget. Include such as diapers, wipes, _ bottles, extra food and __.
  • Be mindful of the _. How old will your _ be when the weather __ outdoor activities? Does this _ your clothing or stroller _? Can you delay certain _?

Childcare and Unexpected Costs

  • Run the numbers above. _ you may even find _ is makes sense for parent to stay at _. If you and your __ both plan to keep __, start researching your childcare __ before the birth. Visiting __ or interviewing nannies for __ can take weeks of so we recommend getting __ early!
  • Remember to keep adding __ your emergency fund savings __ the event some unexpected arise.

If you make it __ the list above, you sure to feel more for one of life’s joys! Be sure to the Great Western Bank _ for more posts like _.

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