7 Summer Savings Tips

7 Ways to Save this Summer

June 20, 2020 was official start of the _ season and it’s safe __ say this year is to be different than other - outdoor activities limited and many people suspending summer vacation plans. is a silver lining, _: this is a great _ to save money. Here 7 money-saving tips to _ you pocket some extra _ this summer. 

1. Skip the car _

Opt to wash your at home this summer you could save you $60 - $100! Every week _ you’d usually drive through car wash, transfer $10 __ your savings account. Bonus: _ is a great activity __ keep the kids busy.

2. Eat al fresco

Keep your home cool your AC bill low __ taking dinner plans outside __ grill rather than using stove or oven. Plus, __ outside turns an ordinary _ into a fun picnic. 

3. Replace your air _ filters

This regular maintenance can __ easy to overlook but _ dirty filter can restrict __ and slow the overall of the air conditioner. __ your filter regularly to longer run times and _ cooling costs.

4. Give your dryer _ break

Save on your electric _ by letting the warm _ sun air dry your __ rather than using the . Hang clothes on a _ and let nature take _ of the rest. If can’t hang up clothes __, try using your dryer __ a lower heat setting.

5. Ride your bike

If you have errands __ run that are close __, riding your bike is __ economical option that can _ you money and give a great workout at same time. Plus, you be more mindful of _ you buy knowing that may not be able __ carry much. Remember to _ your bike and wear _ helmet!

6. Grow your own _

Get the whole family and start a backyard _. Together, you can grow __, fruit and herbs. 

7. Wash your clothes __ cold water

Two easy ways to down on the amount __ energy your home eats __ is to use less and use a cooler temperature when washing clothes. __ just moving your washer _ settings from hot to _ could cut each load’s _ in half! 
Remember, saving money all _ is just the first _ to reaching your goals. __&;_ important to create a _ specific to your needs. you saving for something __ or simply growing your _ fund? By setting goals saving, you will be _ to start seeing progress can help you stay _ to keep saving throughout summer and beyond.

Explore the Great Western _&_; Money Management tool for help with __ and tracking savings goals, _ and more.

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