Over the shoulder view of a computer screen displaying Great Western Bank's Money Management feature

Eliminate the Surprise

The Great Western Bank Management Tool Can Help

Life is full of _.

But when it comes __ our finances, it’s best __ eliminate any unknowns. Taking time to budget and _ a follow-up plan can _.

Break it Down

Great Western Bank can _ simplify your planning process _ the use of our Management Tool.

Screenshot from within Great Western Bank Money Management

Track Spending

The Great Western Bank Management Tool helps track with a single click __ auto-generate your budget and _ keep you on track.

Breakdown expenses annually, monthly, daily.

Screenshot from within Money Management

Take Control

From there write down _ hopes, dreams and aspirations with a timeline. If you &;_ plan for these dreams, will?

Goals feature from within Money Management

Break it down. Track . Take Control.

Net worth feature within Money Management

Learn more about our Management Tool.

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