Great Western Bank Credit Cards can now be added to your device's digital wallet.

Why You Should Add _ GWB Card to Your __ Wallet

Great Western Bank credit are now eligible to __ added to a digital _, just like your Great __ Bank debit card!

Digital wallet popularity continues __ grow every year, with _ and more merchants accepting _ payment type every day! _ you added your GWB _ to your digital wallet ? If you haven’t, here three of the top __ to take that leap:

1. It’s Convenient

If you’re like most _, chances are you have _ mobile device with you you go. Adding your Western Bank debit and _ cards to your digital _ on your device means less thing to carry – and one less thing __ remember. Not to mention, Western Bank cards can __ added to many wearable __ too, including compatible Apple, __, Fitbit and Garmin watches!

2. It’s Safe

Digital wallets offer controls can put in place __ ensure that purchases made _ your device are authenticated __ you by requiring a , fingerprint or facial recognition. _ isn’t something you can __ with your physical wallet. __, when using your GWB _ within your digital wallet __ make a purchase – __ in store or within __ app – your full _ number is never provided __ the merchant. Instead, a _ one-time passcode, known as _ token, is used to _ the merchant your card _, making it virtually impossible your card information to __ stolen.

3. It’s Fast

We all love the _ technology physical cards use __ mask the card information to the merchant, but &;_ face it, chip cards _ precious time to process. _ using a digital wallet __ make a purchase, the _ is processed almost instantly, using that same technology __ keep your card information _.

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