Digital Strategy and Experience _ firm ranks Great Western _ among Industry Leaders

Great Western Bank achieves _ ‘top 10’ recognition as _ digital experience leader

Our mission is to _ Life Great by taking _ care of our customers. __ putting the customer first, __ place a priority on _ an exceptional experience whether _ choose to bank on- __ offline.

This mission to Make _ Great has earned us _. An independent third-party specializing __ digital banking experiences conducted _ review of the top 50 U.S. banks digital customer _. We’re proud to say _. was named among the _.

The scoring ranked our __ digital experience against best _ across several key categories:

  • User experience
  • Analytics and SEO
  • Features and Functionality
  • Design and Branding
  • Content and Digital Marketing

How did we do? _. earned a second place __ in the Analytics and _ Engine Optimization category due __ our use of analytics __ guide improvements, site search __, page load time, and accessibility for our online . We took third place __ the User Experience category mobile-friendliness, layout and organization __ our content.

Sure, rankings are nice the ultimate acknowledgement of _ job well done comes _ our loyal customers whose __ make us blush. Click here to see _ others are saying about __ .

Learn more about how __ are improving the Digital __ Experience for our customers


Extractable specialists in UX, _, and Analytics. “Best Digital _ in Banking 2018.”, 2018.

Marous, Jim. “Even The _ Banks Have Room to __ Digital Experiences.” The Financial , 22 July 2018,

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