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7 Reasons You Should _ an Emergency Savings Account

By Corinne Safford, Senior _ Manager, Omaha, NE

It’s less than ideal __ pull money from a __ fund, retirement account or __ into debt to pay costs related to an _. Having a financial account for emergencies-only is the __ choice to help protect from financial stress.

Here are 7 potential _ setbacks, where an emergency _ may help you out.

1. Urgent Medical Care

Even with health insurance, out of pocket costs add up for healthcare. _ trip to the emergency _ or vet has associated and an emergency fund help you cover those bills.

2. Lost Cell Phone

This depends on the , but replacing a smart can run several hundred __. Back up finances could the cost to get a new cell phone away.

3. Tree Removal

That mature tree may __ becoming a danger to _ property or others if __ is dead or not . Expenses like this are to budget for and _ savings may be your _ source to fund what be a surprisingly expensive __.

4. Roof Starts Leaking

This ranks high on _ homeowners list of nightmares. insurance can help in _ scenario, an emergency fund _ certainly help you sleep _ if you start to _ swelling or cracking in paint on your ceiling __ walls.

5. Luggage Disappears

You land in Omaha, your bags never left __. Now your meticulously packed _ have become an airline _ and replacing all of gear inside could amount __ a hefty price.

6. Decrease In Pay

You finally land the of your dreams, but __ comes with a decrease __ pay. Or perhaps your are cut back at _. With an emergency fund __ place, you can help that lost income until get accustomed to the __ in your monthly spending _, or find additional income.

7. Car is Making _ Funny Noise

A mode of transportation __ oftentimes essential to our -__- lives. When it breaks _, an emergency fund can __ your safety net to __ debt in the event __ major mechanical failure.

Need help building an _ fund? Consider opening a _ savings account and setting up _ transfers into this account. _ other questions related to _ funds and savings accounts? Talk to a banker _ you today and have peace of mind to all of life’s surprises.

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