Cyber Security

Best Practices for Cyber on Black Friday and Monday

By Jaimes Badillo, GWB


Cyber-thieves are preparing malware spam campaigns to catch _ and shoppers during the Friday and Cyber Monday .

Watch for an increase __ spam and phishing emails __ to catch people seeking !

8 Best Practices for Security on Black Friday Cyber Monday

Public reports describe over 500 data breaches and more _ 1.2 billion records stolen _ year alone.

  1. Limit use of Personal __ Information
  2. Increase Default Security Settings
  3. Use $tr0ng3r Passwords
  4. Look Out for HTTPS
  5. If Possible, Use and _ Multiple Digital Identities
  6. Limit What You Do _ Public Wi-Fi and Use Following Best Practices
  7. Before “Clicking” Stop, Think Check if it is , Valid and Trusted
  8. Use Credit Card or _ Payments Versus Debit Card

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