Help prevent fraudulent wire transfers

8 Security Tips to __ Fraudulent Wire Transfers

Fraudulent requests for wire _ typically come by email.  Treasury Management Team has security tips to help stop potentially fraudulent requests wire transfers.

  1. Verbal Confirmation
    Verbally confirm that the __ to initiate the wire __ from an authorized person _ the company.

  2. Verify Changes
    Anytime you receive new _ instructions or a change __ existing wire instructions verbally _ with your wire transfer _.

  3. Investigate Unique Requests
    If you receive a __ for a payment that __ out of your ordinary __ arrangement, confirm by phone _ your vendor.

  4. Double Check Email Addresses
    A common trick is __ slightly modify an email __. For example, [email protected] might be changed __ [email protected]

  5. FWD Instead of Reply
    Rather than reply to __ email, forward the email __ the address that you _ on file.

  6. Establish Dual Controls
    For Great Western Bank Banking Suite (TBS) customers, _ could mean having one user who initiates the and another TBS user approves the wires.

  7. Be Alert
    Be on alert for anytime the wire transfer __ include tight deadlines or you to act quickly.

  8. Be Suspicious of Confidentiality
    Whenever wire transfer instructions __ keeping the transaction a _ – verbally verify with __ executive or the person the transaction.

The best defenses against _ fraud include rock-solid internal and training team members __ recognize the signs of activity within the company.

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