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Online Fraud - How __ Stay Safe

By Deb Rehorst, GWB Manager

Lately, we have seen __ instances of bank websites copied by criminals, with _ similar address to the __ bank website being used __ trick customers. 

One way to end __ on a cloned bank __ is to click through __ it from a spam .

How do I know difference between real and _ websites? 

Online thieves often direct to fraudulent websites via and pop-up windows. These may try to collect _ personal information or infect _ computer with a virus. 

In many cases, there __ no easy way to _ that you are on _ phony website because the will contain the name __ the institution it is .&_;

However, if you type, __ cut and paste, the into a new web __ window and it does take you to a website, or you get __ error message, it was just a cover for _ fake website. 

Another way to detect _ phony website is to how you arrived there. _, these sites are accessed __ a link in a _ email ("phish") requesting your __ information. 

Remember, Great Western Bank _ never request personal information _ you via email. Any _ request should be considered and reported immediately.

Online fraud occurs when __ illegitimately obtains your sensitive information (such as your _, Social Security number, account __, or online banking login password) and conducts unauthorized __ on your bank, loan, __ credit card accounts. 

Often called “phishing” or “spoofing,” the most current methods __ online fraud are fake _, websites and pop-up windows.

How do I report _ e-mails, websites or pop-up __?&_;

If you encounter a _ website, or pop-up window, __ if you responded to of these with personal _, call us immediately at 1-800-952-2043.

For more on how __ stay safe from online , visit our Fraud Prevention page on our __.&_;


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