Stock image of an ATM

How to Be Safe Avoid ATM Attacks

By Deb Rehorst – Fraud Manager

ATM attacks come in _ forms: Skimming, Shimming, Cash-out __, and Jackpotting, to name _ few. Ultimately, they amount __ criminals attempting to steal _ you, and your Financial _. The most effective approach __ protecting against these attacks __ a partnership between you, your bank. 

Great Western Bank takes __ actions to protect your from ATM threats. These _ include, but are not __ to, encryption, restricted access __ systems, procedures and controls _ maintenance, rules and monitoring to detect and stop activity. 

Consumers can also take _ to aid in protecting accounts. One of the _ important is to protect _ physical cards at all . Do not share your _ or PIN with anyone. will never ask for _ full card number or so do not disclose account details to anyone phone, email, or text. 

Being aware of your __ is another powerful protection. _ closely at the ATM to use for any . Take note of any behavior by others that be near or using ATM. Contact your Financial _ and local law enforcement _ you notice any peculiar such as someone trying __ insert a cable or _ into the machine or multiple cards at one _.&_; Never approach or confront individuals. 

General online safeguards include:

  • Never open attachments or on links in emails were not expecting. 

  • Do not use usernames __ passwords on accounts that related to personal information, _ as SSN or mother’s _ name. 

  • Do not give out __ information over the phone __ you did not initiate call or are certain are speaking with your _ Institution. 

  • Sign up for alerts __ Online Banking ; you can be of every debit to _ account, set dollar thresholds notifications, or even minimum __ alerts to help with _ time review of account .&_;

  • Review your account statements and notify us if suspect that any of _ information has been compromised.

Through this partnership we stop these criminals in tracks. For more handy _ on how to protect _ money, visit our Fraud Prevention page .

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