Group President in Omaha, demonstrating the power of saving early at an elementary school in Omaha.

Education Matters

“This past year, Great __ Bank increased donations to non-profit organizations by 14% __ help fund important programs _ financial literacy, economic development, housing, and more. Recognizing _ reinvestment is more than _ financial support, our employees __ their own time to _ improve the communities we .&;

Ken Karels | Chairperson, _ & Chief Executive Officer

Millionaire for a Day

Teaching Financial Literacy to Youth

Every April, Great Western _ celebrates Financial Literacy Month __ helping young people in local communities develop money skills and smart spending _. In April 2019, Great __ Bank teamed up with CUES (Christian Urban Education _) School System in Omaha, for something special.

The CUES School System __ a bold educational initiative _ centralized leadership and governance __ three urban elementary schools, which serve low-income students families in Omaha. CUES innovative instructional methods with student and family support __ a Catholic faith-based environment __ create and sustain excellent measurable outcomes that not _ impact the students they but also the entire _.

For a chance to __ awarded $300 – the accrued on a million __ in a day – _ than 200 students in CUES systems were asked __ write and submit an __ as part of an contest on what they do if they had _ million dollars. The judges a difficult time choosing _ one winner so the _ administration decided to select _ winning essay from each _ in the CUES system, each recipient $100. On 30, Great Western Bank _ visited all three schools presented checks to the __ students. Great Western Bank members spent time talking __ all the students about importance of financial education.

All Saints School


Chris Wiedenfeld, Great Western _ Regional President, discussed “Wants __. Needs” with 55 students __ All Saints School and seventh grader Olivia Riera __ an essay winner. Each __ and teacher were provided _ colorful financial booklet to the financial conversation in classroom.

“Financial literacy is a __ skill and can help avoid many of the that can lead to struggles later in life,” _ Wiedenfeld. “The basics of management like budgeting, saving, _, investing, and giving are _ as age-appropriate concepts that can build upon as _ progress in school. The _ is that we’re arming students with the right to be successful financially in life.”

Holy Name School


Corinne Safford, Vice President Retail Regional Manager, presented __ Mckell from Holy Name _ $100 for his essay what he would do _ a million dollars. Safford __ Holy Name and spoke __ 66 low-income sixth, seventh eighth graders about the of budgeting and “Wants __. Needs.”

“Teaching budgeting to this group is fun and _ great way to begin _ wellness discussions,” said Safford. &;__ want them to be about personal finances and the importance of budgeting. _, we’ve increased their confidence encouraged them to start about personal finances.”

Sacred Heart Catholic School


Ariana Hunter from Sacred Catholic School received $100 _ by Dan Gomez, Senior _ President and Commercial Lending __, for her essay about _ she would do with _ million dollars. In her , Ariana stated she wanted __ donate her money to _ the Nebraska flood victims, __ well as donate to Stephen Center homeless shelter humane society, the latter __ of her great love animals.

Gomez presented “Wants vs. &; to 40 sixth, seventh eighth graders at Sacred .

“Explaining to children the between wants and needs be difficult,” said Gomez. &; teaching them this difference _ set them up with proper financial priorities that _ benefit them later in _. My hope is that _ walked away from our with clear ideas about budgeting will benefit them – and maybe they’ll be _ to share that knowledge _ someone else.”

Read the winning essays




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