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Financial Wellness for Millennials

By Amber Ledin, Branch __, Lincoln, NE

College tuition, car payment, _.. congratulations, you are officially &;&;. Now what? Let’s be _, financial wellness means different _ at different stages in _. I know you’re thinking, &;_ for my future? I hardly get through the !&; With a few tips tools, you can plan the future while still and living in the _.

Let’s start with investing __ yourself.

You are at the where seeking the highest _ that you desire and afford is crucial. Education a major influence on _ earning potential for the _ and will open doors _ would have otherwise remained _.

Make sure you have _ vision and start saving.

If you don’t envision _ future, you won’t know _ you need to be _ for. You should contribute __ your personal savings and with every paycheck. Everything _ over can then go _ your checking account to for living expenses. This will ensure you have _ savings and will prepare when it comes time retirement.

Establish a simple budget be mindful of creating _.

Budget for savings, living and fun money. Your _ is to stay within _ budget each and every to ensure you reach _ financial goals long term. _ cards are fun, right? . Keeping your debt under __ will not only keep stress free in the _ and now, but it _ help your credit score __ the future when you ready to purchase a _ or other big ticket .

Monitor and improve your _ consistently.

You should check your _ report at minimum, annually. can do this for _ by visiting and viewing the credit bureaus every year. __ reviews of your report help you fix errors __ or get on top __ a potentially delinquent account _ it damages your credit. _ payments on time and applying for new credit _ you don’t absolutely need.

Remember, at different stages __ life you will be _ to spend your money __ different ways. Right now, might not have as _ fun money as you like, but if you to a financial wellness _, your future self will you.

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