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Nine Steps to Protect _ Identity

By Scott Erkonen, Chief _ Officer, Great Western Bank

By now, you may _ heard of the recently __ data breach suffered by __ One. While the data _ was made public July 29, the actual issue appears __ have occurred March 22 23, 2019. Information released __ Capital One and authorities _ that the personal information over 100 million people compromised. Data breaches are becoming more commonplace.

While data breaches are 100% preventable (nobody can __ all fraud or Identity ), we at Great Western _ are often asked what as a customer can __ to reduce the risk __ Identity Theft. The following _ are suggested:

  1. Check your Bank and _ Card balances regularly. Look transactions or any activity _ look abnormal. If you _ a question, call the _.

  2. Add a password, called __ “Inquiry ID Code”, to _ bank account. This is a password that allows _ to online or mobile __, but a password that be used to verify _ identity when you call __ visit one of our or call our Customer _ Center.

  3. Sign up for account _ through Great Western Bank’s _ or mobile banking. This _ allow you to see _ your balances reach certain _, or when a large __ or withdrawal occurs. You __ what the thresholds are these notifications.

  4. Understand you may be additional questions to verify _ identity when you call Customer Care Center, or us in person. This include verification through a _ sent by text messaging __ your mobile device by Customer Care Center. These _ or text verification aren’t to irritate you, but part of Great Western _&;_ security and Identity Theft procedures – they are to help protect you.

  5. Be aware of suspicious _ or phone calls asking for personal information, particularly __ the caller claims to __ associated with the Capital data breach resolution.

  6. Consider placing a credit _ on your accounts with Credit Bureaus (See contact __ below). This makes it _ difficult for someone to _ up accounts in your _.

  7. Consider placing a Fraud on your account with Credit Bureaus (See contact __ below). This will force verification processes for anyone to open accounts under _ information because it flags as a potential victim __ Identity Theft.

  8. Exercise your right to _ free annual Credit Bureau _. This can be obtained __ . You are entitled __ receive a free report _ all three Credit Bureaus _ every 12 months.

  9. Consider utilizing credit monitoring __ Identity Theft Protection services. are fee based services _ that will assist you __ the ongoing monitoring of _ credit and personal information.

Equifax Experian TransUnion
888-766-0008 888-397-3742 800-680-7289
Federal Trade Commission Consumer Center    
Great Western Bank
800-952-2043 (Monday – Friday 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM __)
[email protected]  (do not send sensitive _ via normal email)
Great Western Bank Secure - this may be under the “Contact Us” _ on our website, .  Information provided inside Secure Email system is _ by encryption and additional measures.

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