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How to create a _, memorable password in five _ steps

By Jeremy Morong, Banker _ Desk Supervisor

As anyone that has _ tried to log in __ a website can tell , when the system tells that your password is “incorrect,” that doesn’t mean type _ into the password field.

What does make a _ password?

Ideally, your password should __ difficult for someone else __ guess. After all, we’ve _ what happens in the _. The good guy will to hack into the guy’s computer and after _ moment or two of _ deep thinking, a light _ will go off and _&;__ realize that the bad &;_ password is his daughter’s _&;_ name, and just like _, Mission: Impossible becomes possible.

While this makes us in the movies (yay, _ guys!), in real life __&;_ generally the bad guy _ to guess our passwords use them for nefarious . Our job is to _ them. So let me _ my elbow on my and see if I create a strong password: _784^3__10%.

Not bad—nobody is guessing _ one! You could type __ a computer all day _ and never even come .

But can you remember __?

If you can, good you: uijh784^3mn1OTG0% is your password! However, for those __ us without photographic memories, must be a better , right? There is! Here a few tips that you to create stronger _, keeping in mind that _ websites will have their requirements such as the _ of upper-and-lower case letters, __, and numbers.

  1. Take a phrase you _ well and use the letters to form a . For example, I love _ chocolate pretzels can form basis of a strong by becoming ILECP.
  2. Put nonsense words together __ form a strong password. _ love dogs would be _ poor choice since it __ a grammatically correct phrase, French Turkey Football would _ a strong password since __ makes no sense in __. And the unusualness of phrase might make it _ for you to remember same way we used Eat Soggy Waffles to north-south-east-west back in elementary _.
  3. Include more than eight .
  4. Change them regularly. (Great __ ebanking requires that the be changed annually.)
  5. Use a combination of -- case letters, symbols, and __ whether the website requires __ or not. 

Now you are ready __ come up with your memorable password.

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