Stock photo of a student sitting on the steps with a backpack

New shoes and backpacks pencils, oh my!

Here’s how to keep back-to-school budget under control.

For many, the start __ a new school year already begun or is _ around the corner. For __, that means the start __ PTO meetings and sporting _ and also the dreaded _ to school shopping sprees. _ to the National Retail 1 , families typically plan __ spend almost $685 on , backpacks, writing utensils, electronics lunch boxes. Ouch. The _ news is that not shopping needs to break bank. For budget-conscious parents, _ are our tips to _ the back to school under control.

  1. Set a spending limit stick to it
    Before you even being __ start shopping, determine how _ you can spend. Try to leave anything out check your child’s supply _ to avoid impulse buying __ the store.
  2. Get your children involved
    Take this time to your children about budgeting encourage good spending habits. your children to help out deals and compare _ and teach them how __ choose practical supplies.
  3. Shop smart
    Make the clearance aisle _ best friend. Not all _ to school items need __ be shiny and new. _ for back to school that include coupons and _. You could even swap __ and books with other .
  4. Determine expenses that can _
    There is no rule _ says you must buy in time for the day. You might be _ to hold off on _ clothes for the fall the weather turns cold. __ you’re in a tight _, ask your child’s teacher what you can and &;_ provide. Your child’s school even have a donation to choose from.
  5. Plan for the future
    Don’t forget to budget expenses that occur throughout school year – hello, money! Consider sending your to school with a _ lunch even just a times a week to _ some extra cash. You use that saved money __ pay for music lessons __ a number of other .&_;

Check out the  Money Management feature within Great __ ebanking for additional ways __ track and manage your .

1 Source:  

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