Stock photo of a business woman in glasses.

The Benefits of Overcoming

By Shanon Meyer, Retail __ Manager

Frog eating is an art. According to Brian , author of Eat That Frog ,

“If you have to a live frog, it &;_ pay to sit and _ at it for very _.&;

Frogs could be that project for work you _ is going to take _ large time commitment, the you got last week _ your child’s teacher asking __ set up a meeting __ the call you have _ putting off to that client. There are benefits _ eating these frogs!

Eating frogs can add _ to your day and to your pocket! Budgeting _ time is much like _ your money and can __ viewed the same. All __ us have fallen victim __ the ‘busy trap’. We _ too busy to do _ or too busy to __ that but in reality __ just did not budget time wisely. By budgeting time, and eating our __, ugliest frog first thing _ morning we actually create time in our day. see, when you put _ big frog off, it weighs on your mind the day. It steals _ concentration, lessens your productivity affects your overall quality __ work that in turn lead to being overlooked that big work promotion __ possibly even loss of when errors occur.

Once you master the of frog eating, you _ extra time to budget _ household expenses, concentrate more __ you get your promotion __ work and may even _ additional time to spend _ family and friends.

Where do you start? _ would like to share _ of my tried and _ frog eating methods.

  • Know your end goal.
    Whether it be a _ or completing a project _ lunch, know what you _ to accomplish.
  • Plan ahead.
    Create your to-do list night before. This allows to leave work at _ and home at home start the next day as you already have __ outline for the day.

  • Assign time limits.
    This gives you a _ within your goal. By __ a time limit, you truly taking the time __ research and plan your .

  • Plan for interruptions.
    No matter if you at home or work, are always interruptions. For _, this is enough to them off track. But __ these interruptions are already into your day, it __ their impact.
  • Live by the 80/20 _.
    The top 20% of _ activities should account for 80% of your results. In , always eat your biggest, __ frog first!

  • Find tools that work you.
    Everyone manages their time _ but it’s important that find the tool that best for you. One _ tool that I recommend explore is the Money Management feature within Great __ ebanking.

I’ll leave you with _ final thought, we all _ the same amount of _ in a day: 24 , 1,440 minutes, 86,400 seconds. can set yourself apart __ choosing to use it _ and eating that frog!

1 Eat That Frog (Brian , 2002)

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