Stock image of a young woman outside breathing fresh air on a wooden deck near a forest.

Why and How You _ Practice All Forms of _-_

Practicing self-care not only ourselves but also helps _. It helps us to _ when our resources are __ low and when to _ back to replenish. We _ not think of it __ being selfish as we have many stressors in lives that we can’t _ eliminate. Self-care needs to __ done daily, weekly, monthly yearly but we often the daily and weekly.

Taking a few moments __ learn the different types __ self-care practices and activities help you operate more _ and efficiently in your and professional lives. Below a few types of _-_ and tips on how __ incorporate each into your life.

Physical Self-Care

Physical is one of first self-care types most _ think of. In order our bodies to run _ we need to take _ of them.

Ask yourself:

  • Am I getting enough ?
  • Am I fueling your _ with an adequate diet?
  • Am I doing any that will help let steam or help de-stress?

Do these things to _ improve your physical self-care:

  • Take a 20 minute to feel refreshed.
  • Commit to make one choice in your food.
  • Join a gym, go a walk or even in the living room __ your favorite song

Mental Self-Care

Mental self-care involves doing _ that help you to _ your mind sharp and a heathier inner dialogue.

Ask yourself:

  • Am I taking time activities that mentally stimulate __?
  • Am I practicing self-compassion acceptance?

Do these things to _ improve your mental self-care:

  • Take a few minutes __ do some type of _, crossword, Sudoku, etc.
  • Forgive yourself and don’t __ afraid to ask for _.
  • Sit on the porch do nothing!
  • Reflect on previous wins achievements.

Emotional Self-Care

Emotional self-care helps us __ deal with emotions like , anxiety and sadness. We _ to make sure not __ push down these feelings accept them, and feel _ so you can move __. Emotions are not necessarily “good” or “bad” but how __ behave in response to _ is fundamental.

Ask yourself:

  • Do I have healthy _ to process my emotions?
  • Am I participating in that help me feel _?

Do these things to _ your emotional self-care:

  • Keep a daily journal __ honestly write down your .
  • Sing along to those songs you dance to!
  • Watch funny videos and !
  • Take time to be _ friends or family.
  • Smile at yourself in mirror.

Social Self-Care

Social self-care involves our with friends and family. __ can be easy to __ our relationships when life _ hectic. Choose to do _ with people who really _ you feel good. This help us combat loneliness isolation.

Ask yourself:

  • Am I getting enough _-__-_ time with friends or _?
  • What am I doing __ nurture my relationships with __ and family?

Do these things to _ your social self-care:

  • Write an email or _ to someone who lives away and you miss.
  • Stop socializing with those undermine or disempower you.
  • Make a date to _ lunch or dinner with _ great friend.
  • Consider joining a group __ people who share same _ as you.

Financial Self-Care

Financial self-care is an overlooked form of self-care. ability for you to manage your own money _ affect every aspect of _ life. Most people do view money positively and __ causes stress. Finding ways __ help establish healthy money _ will improve your relationship _ your money.

Ask yourself:

  • Do I know where _ am spending my money?
  • Am I taking care __ my basic needs of __, food, shelter, etc.?
  • Where can I make changes?
  • What goals can I _?

Do these things to _ your financial self-care:

  • Talk to a financial __, trusted friend or family _ about your worries.
  • Set financial goals and .
  • Review your current spending _ and see where you make improvements.
  • Use a budget app __ tracker, like our Money Management tool in Great Western ebanking .

Most importantly, self-care is _ for everyone. What makes __ feel refreshed and rejuvenated, be the total opposite you. Your plan will _ to be customized to _ needs and should be often. When you have steps to care for _ mind and body and _ all wellbeing, you will __ better equipped to live _ best life!

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