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Making Life Great Grants 2019

Coming Together to Create Communities

Great Western Bank is _ to Making Life Great __ the communities we serve. __ partnering with local non-profit we help find solutions __ the many unique challenges _ our communities. We recently __ another round of Making _ Great Grants to worthy -_ organizations within our nine-state _. We are proud to __ organizations that are important __ our communities and that with our values. Read _ our recent recipients had __ say:


Food Bank of Siouxland - Sioux City, IA

The funds received from Making Life Great Grant _ benefit the Food Bank __ Siouxland’s BackPack Program: Food Kids.

Launched in 2006, The _ Bank of Siouxland's BackPack __: Food for Kids provides _ to children as they school at the end __ the week to ensure _ have food to last _ over the weekend. The _ Bank of Siouxland procures food for the weekly to 10 Sioux City South Sioux City schools coordinates the assembly of food sacks by volunteers. _ district vehicles deliver the to the school buildings on the last day __ the school week, the _ sacks are placed in students’ backpacks to take _ for the weekend.

“The BackPack Program is __ critically important for the we serve, but an _ program as well. Anytime community steps up to _ us with this vital _, we are extremely grateful!” _ Executive Director Linda Scheid.

By working together we able give those in _ some hope and a _ up by ensuring they _ food for today … food for tomorrow.


CenterPointe - Nebraska

CenterPointe’s mission is to _ the people we serve better, sooner, for longer. _ year, CenterPointe provided services __ more than 3,300 individuals __ our communities who are __ co-occurring diagnoses in mental _ and substance use and are experiencing homelessness or at risk of being ; we’re here to support _ of the most vulnerable _ in the community. For to truly take place, needs have to be – and self-care and __ is an essential component. goal is to eliminate fear of not being _ to meet basic needs, __ people can focus on health, emotional well-being and first.

What are basic needs? some, it’s several rolls __ toilet paper and a of soap to make __ through to the end __ the month. It’s the __ to access deodorant, shampoo, __ cream and razors – _ many people grab off shelf and don’t give _ second thought about. In _ programs, it can be _ and bedding. For the _ Outreach team, it’s hand _, baby wipes, granola bars new socks, underwear and _-_ and even sleeping bags; __ their activities, the outreach _ develops relationships with individuals may someday choose to _ services through CenterPointe.

Across CenterPointe’s 37 programs – from residential treatment to _ housing to individuals accessing Services – meeting basic can also include helping __ individual as they transition _ independent or supportive housing. __, a care manager at __, recently shared the needs __ one individual:

“[They] are very excited moving into [their] first _ apartment. However, with a __ income, [they] are having __ buying essential items. We _ found a full-size bed frame and are looking used furniture. We’ll also _ to find basic household such as: blankets, pillows, _, chairs, dishes, utensils, cups, , couch, microwave, pots and _, silverware, towels, cleaning supplies, a laundry basket.”

Great Western Bank’s grant, __ support of basic hygiene street outreach supplies, will _ individuals access to items _ can meet their everyday : things like soap, washcloths, supplies, laundry soap and __. CenterPointe is grateful for Western Bank’s commitment to community and your support __ the dignity of all _!


Project Hunger Inc. - Island, NE

The mission of Project _ is to provide food __ the hungry, as well __ raise awareness of the _ issues in our community. funding from the Making _ Great Grant will allow __ Hunger to continue to families in our community _ food throughout the year __ several outlets provided by organization and through a _ of different organizations in Island. It costs approximately $150 to feed a family __ four for 7 to 10 days. Food costs have _ up and the needs __ our local food pantry _ increased dramatically. This funding more than before with increase in food costs organization has experienced.


Decatur County Development Corp. - Leon, IA

With funds from the _ Life Great Grant Program, __ will continue our efforts __ solve workforce issues in __ County. The funds we will be used to __ existing and create new _ development programming for K-12 and adults who are __ to re-enter the workforce, assist adults who are _ underemployed. We plan to __ additional training for individuals __ groups who are interested __ starting businesses in Decatur _. We currently provide one-on-one __ for entrepreneurs, but with funds, we will increase impact by hosting workshops __ reach a larger number __ entrepreneurs at one time. will also be used __ assist with marketing efforts __ tell the story of __ County, and recruit new expanding businesses to our _ to increase the amount __ available jobs.


Junior Achievement of Arizona

Thank you so much __ Great Western Bank for Junior Achievement of Arizona _ a grant of $2,500. _ funding will be used __ support, 74 low-income students __ Maricopa County with our _-12 Financial Literacy and Workforce _ In-Classroom program. This program _ teach students how to _ for the future, balance _ bank account, invest in Stock Market, and differentiate __ needs and wants.


The Hope Crisis Center - Nebraska

The funds will go __ the renovation of two nearing completion which will __ shelter to victims of violence and sexual assault __ Gage, Fillmore, Jefferson, Saline, _, Thayer and York Counties __ Nebraska.


The Friendship Center - Moines, IA

The funds will be _ to provide 40 local -_ families in Des Moines, __ with financial and budgeting _ as well as additional _ items to help their __ living situations. We can’t Great Western Bank enough the Making Life Great especially during this holiday _!


People against Child Hunger - Watertown, SD

The People against Child _ (PACH) organization of Watertown and surrounding area is honored to have been _ as a beneficiary of Great Western Bank Making _ Great grant in the _ of $3000. The PACH __ provides healthy food to in the Watertown area _ on the premise that _ nutrition is a key _ to a child’s ability __ learn and focus in _, which in turn pays __ forward so that a can then improve his and others quality of _. Picture from L to _ is Curt Trego, Market _ of Great Western Bank __ Watertown, Marci Lewno, board _, Rob Haddad, board member Sue Luken PACH President.

High Hope Employment Services - Milan, MO

Great Western Bank in , Missouri awarded High Hope Services Inc. the Making _ Great Grant in the _ of $7,500.00 which will __ utilized to assist services __ at the Homeless Shelter __ Milan. Pictured left to Andrea Rowland High Hope’s _ Director. Greg Hedges Business _ at Great Western Bank, Ballinger, Milan Great Western _ Branch Manager, Jackie Roberts Western Bank Retail Manager Paige Cannon High Hope’s _ Director/Human Resource Director.

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