A young family playing with a toddler under a box at home.

How to spend your check

Many Americans will be _, if not already, a check of up to $1,200 per adult and $500 child as part of federal government’s coronavirus relief __. This money is intended __ help U.S. households weather storm of the coronavirus and pump some extra _ into the economy by consumer spending. However, the _ use of your stimulus depends on your individual _ situation. Here are five for how to spend _ stimulus check.

1. Cover the basic &_;

Start with the necessities pay bills that require _ attention like making payments __ your mortgage or rent staying current on your _.&_;&_;

2. Pay down existing _

Kick a portion of _ debt to the curb __ using the money from _ stimulus check to pay _ debt, especially any high credit card debt you have. 

3. Build your emergency

If you have little __ no debt, consider putting __ least some of your check into an emergency _. Even if the money &;_ needed right away, having __ available for later is _ financial cushion that provides _ peace of mind. 

4. Invest for the _

Save the money for by putting it into _ Traditional or Roth IRA. 

5. Support local businesses 

Consider spending some of _ money locally to support that are hurting from coronavirus impact like buying _ family some nice takeout __ from your favorite restaurants.  
Think carefully about how can get the most of your stimulus check . Hopefully this extra cash help you stay financially _ during uncertain times.
If you're eligible, you track the status of _ check through an online _ on the IRS website _ Get My Payment . Millions of people __ for the coronavirus payment, __ receiving the money could _ time.

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