An Expansion on Impactful _ for Our Communities


A single word that __ hope and optimism back _ many lives in 2020. __ has been a simple for how we, as _ collective group, will persevere __ these challenging times even _ we have redefined what __ means to gather together. communities have come together __ a figurative manner to __ one another and we (__) stood right beside them.

Our commitment to serve communities in a meaningful positive manner is and been a tenet of Western Bank since inception. _ year we took significant immediate action to protect welfare of our communities __ donating more than $2.2M __ organizations throughout our footprint with 8,180 hours of volunteer services.

As part of our contribution, we provided over $384,000 in COVID relief to -_ organizations that work tirelessly __ serve individuals directly impacted __ the pandemic.

We also continued our _ Making Life Great (MLG) program, with $395,000 donated __ 36 non-profit organizations. The Grants target innovative programs _ enhance the quality of _ within the communities we .&_;

Here are just two __ the wonderful examples:

  • In March of 2020, __ awarded YMCA of Cass _ (ND) a $5,000 MLG to provide child care the parents who hold _ and medical roles. This service allows essential personnel to on the health and _ of our community while _ a safe place for children to be fed well-cared for. Here is _ the YMCA had to about the partnership:

    • “As we continue to __ vital community services, we grateful for support from like Great Western Bank! our community’s front lines, _ essential personnel child care, feeding youth are necessary __ ensuring safety/longevity in our _.&;

  • In May 2020, a $10,000 MLG Grant was awarded __ Habitat of Humanity of Denver to help address challenges many homeowners were _ as a result of COVID-19 crisis. The funds _ used for low-to-moderate income to ensure they will to have safe and shelter. Many of the work in the service _ and have experienced job during the crisis and now struggling to make mortgage payments.

In addition, we asked public to help us _ local heroes who have _ above and beyond during pandemic as part of one-time award program called Gifts of Gratitude. Through __ online nomination process, we over 600 nominations and _ inspired by the stories __ heroism, unwavering dedication, unconditional _ and self-sacrifice. The program __ us to show over 130 winners across our footprint appreciation with a total __ over $60,000 in gifts.

Here are a few of the incredible individuals, you can read the _ stories for our top 10 winners at

  • A dedicated therapist in offered free therapy for _ in need and through own efforts, started a of 40+ therapists to free mental health support. _ is what she said:

    • “There are really no that could describe how I was in that _, to be recognized and gifts while sharing this _ with people that have _ phenomenal mentors and friends. __ heart was just so _ that I honestly didn’t _ what to say or to express how grateful _ was in that moment!”

  • A selfless neighborhood hero __ free child care to neighbors upon school closures while maintaining this service, _ delivered loaves of bread __ those in need. She _ provided transportation and grocery to elderly community members.

“I go back to mission and values,” said _ Borrecco, President and CEO. &;__ want to empower our _ with opportunities and resources __ provide trusted service and contributions. More so, we _ to make sure we committed to the communities __ serve now more than _.&;

Enriching our communities was _ focus for us this _ and will continue to __ an essential component of culture because even in best of times, you _ out stronger if you _ together.