
Here’s to Our Local _

We asked the public __ nominate local heroes who _ been making an impact __ our communities during the -19 pandemic. It could have _ a neighbor, a colleague, __ grocery store clerk. 

The results were incredible. __ received over 600 nominations were blown away by stories of heroism, dedication, _ and self-sacrifice. It’s easy __ see that everyday heroes all around us.

To show our appreciation, __ awarded 140 winners across nine-state footprint with gifts _ to each story.

Read the inspiring stories __ our top ten award __ below.

Zac receiving his award from Great Western Bank

Local Hero: Zac Triemert

Zac immediately jumped into _ and converted his business _ a manufacturer of hand _. He works tirelessly to _ and bottle as much __ possible, providing free bottles __ the general public.

Ruth received an award from Great Western Bank

Local Hero: Ruth Sorilla

Ruth put together a community group where neighbors __ all cultures and languages eat, socialize, support each and discuss issues in community.

Gustavo received a reward from Great Western Bank

Local Hero: Gustavo

Gustavo is a key _ at Des Moines food _ who helps distribute food, _ the parking lot, run __ and food recovery items __ cars, and most importantly, __ translates for families who coming to receive food.

Sven receiving an award from Great Western Bank

Local Hero: Sven Peterson

Sven, city manager in _ town of 8,000, ensured community was prepared for pandemic and spearheaded collaboration __ private and public sectors.

Michaela received an award from Great Western Bank

Local Hero: Michaela Gasca

Michaela helped a local shelter experiencing staff shortages. also helped design and a housing program for _ under investigation for COVID-19 COVID positive persons needing _ safe and secure setting __ follow social isolation and guidelines.

Jesse received a reward from Great Western Bank

Local Hero: Jesse Rocha

Jesse runs the St. _’_ Food Kitchen. It normally 300 per month. the beginning of the that number has increased __ 700 and above.

Hannah received an award from Great Western Bank

Local Hero: Hannah Holguin

Hannah saw the need _ her students were having created a clothing closest of her math classroom evolved into food pantry her students and their .

Amner received an award from Great Western Bank

Local Hero: Amner Martinez

Amner was one of leaders of a radiothon, _ initiative that raised tens __ thousands of dollars to __ distributed to immigrants and businesses through non-profits in Moines, Iowa.

GGG logo.

Local Heroes: Kevin & Beshara

Kevin and Vicky like __ cook for people and more importantly, they do have an ounce of _ in them. 10,000 were created for Meals __ Wheels and an estimated 10,000 more.


Other Great Nominations:

Susie Walker
Joe & Kerry Thornell
Mark Reetz
Jim & Alice Shoaf
Alex Pena
June Petersen
Janice Morehouse
Katie Shearer
Kim Vandenburg
Roberta Dermer
Chris Haufman
Lisa Tognotti
Dr. Mark Harlow
Angie Van Westen
Wendy Hopkins
Lisa Dunlavey
Susan Cole
Amy Sue Holman
Brandi Valdez
Arlene Cochran
Teresa Cromwell
Michael Forseen
Brooks Jacobson
Melissa Waldner & Emma
Jesse Konold
Wendy Webb
Dorci Johner Dardis
Purvis Williams
Lori & John Lems
Ralph and Gayle Matz
Scott Duncan
Tonya Contreas
Vanessa Barrie
Caryl Huffman
Ruben Acosta
Lauren Goos
Sandy Feucht
Buf Reynolds
Taylor Alter
Jocelyn Halma

Marcia Braley
Debra Kirchhoff
Tammy Coffer
Ashley Meyer
Jackie Rempfer
Meraz Karma
Jody Skinner
Scott Young
Katharine Arrington
Jennifer Norris
Laura Canaday
Vincent Allen
Kassoum Vallian
Ali Brooks
Vicky Hendricks
Elaine Homolka
Sandy Schrunk
Lorraine Horky
Karen Connely & Stephanie _
Trish Grubbe
Bev McKasson
Tammy Rieger
Abigail Donaldson
John Rockufeler
Danie Hilton
Dustan Bresley
Bridget Ortlieb
Verna Brhel
Marsha Hale
Linna Dee Donaldson
Shelia Green
Lisa Johns
Kimberly Walton
Cindy Valdez
Karie Sheets
Doug Williams
Jamie Mangrich
Briston Bruce
Timothy Flaskamp
Laura Schram
Cindy Tock

Angelina Santos
Linda Redfern
Justin Frederick
Jason Landis
Lori Hauck
Barbara Beyke
Elisa Mahoney
Melissa Lally
Joan Koczor
Kellie Goodrum
Alyssa Medeiros
Serena Scott
Megan Fuchser
Jenna Martin
Laina Fisher
Janet Bonner
Essex School Lunch Cooks & Delivery Help
Karen Handorf
Mandy Faripour
Kara Plagman
Zeljka Sinha
Marissa Whipple
Karen Neely
John Buell
Brandon Weyh
Carla Liz Diaz Hernandez
Roberta Griffin
Emily Sellhorn
Jill Clair
William Jolley
Kent Hertz
Linda McEntee
Ej Lujan
Dodji Salifou
Becky Stripe
Bridget Saffold
Katie Jean McDonnell
Bob Stephens
Christopher Jolley
Jane Cleveland




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