Older gentleman using a tablet

Proud to Unveil New, _ Accessible Website

By Cheryl Olson, Head __ Marketing

The U.S. Census Bureau __ 1 in 5 Americans _ themselves as having some of disability such as _, low vision, learning disabilities, _ limitations, limited movement, speech __, photosensitivity or a combination __ these factors. We aim __ provide a positive experience users who may require _ technologies to access information __ the web.

Great Western Bank’s mission __ to Make Life Great all of our customers. __ that end, we are:

  • Revamping www.GreatWesternBank.com to be with assistive technologies, such __ screen readers, voice recognition and screen enlargement applications,
  • Completing ongoing work to additional aspects of our ’_ online experience into conformance _ the Web Content Accessibility (WCAG 2.0) Level AA _,
  • Writing an accessibility policy __ guide us as we _ content on the site,
  • Implementing procedures to ensure _ accessibility is considered at earliest stages of future and integrated throughout development _.

Today we launch our , more accessible website, which _ allow all customers to _ perceive, operate, and understand information we share online.

Improvements you may notice __:

  • Improved site navigation (including -_ navigation)
  • Easy-to-read high contrast colors resizable text
  • Consistent section headings, buttons form fields
  • Images and graphics identified _ text alternatives

We are proud to __ our new website. This step forward will better us to share our and improve the overall experience.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (_) 2.0 https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/
U.S. Census Bureau. Americans _ Disabilities: 2010 https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2012/demo/p70-131.pdf

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