Stock image of a woman on her phone

How to Make the _ out of your Summer __

The kids are out __ school. Flowers are planted. _ is finally here! The of June means many are planning summer trips. __ you’re wondering how to _ with ease, keep these _ in mind to make _ family vacation picture perfect:

  • It is a good _ to keep daily tabs __ your card transactions. You easily and conveniently do _ on the Great Western app.

  • If you are traveling __ the United States, it __ a good idea to your bank know. Just _ having your neighbors watch _ house while you’re away, want your bank to _ also. Several blocks are __ place that need to __ removed for cards to _ in certain countries.

  • Verify that your phone _ is updated in case __ potential fraud. That way Fraud team can verify transactions. 

  • Bonus: If you have _ Great Western Rewards VISA®, double points on travel __ expenses such as gas, and airlines. Get the details here.

Remember, if you need _, we are just a call away. You can _ us at . We want your _ trip to be safe convenient. 

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