Image of someone using the Great Western ebanking Money Management feature to budget

Budgeting Can “Spark Joy” Your Money

By Jack Hamilton – _ Manager, Fort Collins, CO

I recently read Marie &;_ best-selling book “Spark Joy,” shows you how to _ in harmony and peace _ all the things in _ home. By only keeping that “spark joy” in _ home, you learn to _ in the present and _ yourself from items that __ your life and have _ their purpose. Why not the same spark-joy principles __ your money? Budgeting is primary way to take _ on how, what and you spend your money. _ budget is a method __ tidy up financially.

The best way to _-__ our financial lives is __ figure out where our is going. Creating a _ is critical to this __ and one that most _ avoid because they think __ will limit their spending, _ “fun” money or is _ too much work. But __ reality, a budget will _ free yourself from worry, _ you more purchasing power it is much easier __ do with free budgeting like Great Western Bank’s Management tool. You can _ a budget that can &; joy” for your money life. The first step __ giving it a try being open to change.

Would you set out __ a long road trip __ planning? Would you leave _ a nearly empty tank __ gas, no maps, no to guide you and __ particular destination in mind? might get somewhere without _ plan, but it will _ a lot of stops starts, take longer, and may not end up you really want. Managing _ money is a very __ concept – if you’re running low on funds ( tank), have no plan () or goals (destination), how __ you expect your money __ accomplish anything?

Set your mind to a budget. That is hardest part about budgeting – setting it up and how to do it. _ you are over that _, it’s a matter of _ it, making adjustments and the satisfaction that you in control. I use, highly recommend, Money Management __ it makes budgeting easy, _ it on autopilot and _ importantly, allows you to _ financially and instead “spark &; with your money.

Learn more about Money .

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