Stock image of a small business owner posing in his coffee shop

4 Questions To Ask When Starting a Business

So, you’re thinking about _ the plunge and making change from being an to a business owner. _ can be both exciting nerve wracking at the _ time.

Here are four questions __ ask yourself when starting _ business:

1. Am I ready __ do this?

Many people often get __ a point where they &;_ want to work for _ else but themselves and of owning their own .

The dream usually consists __ a perfectly run profitable where there are no and you can finally _ on the title of . The truth is that are many complicated things _ need to happen before can get to that _.

It’s important to dig _ and take a real to see if you ready to put in time and energy to _ your dream happen. If answer is yes, read __!

2. Do I have _ solid business plan?

As a business banker _ have seen first-hand the between having a business _ and not having one. business who puts together _ plan is more likely __ be successful and profitable __. those who don’t. Truthfully, _ business plan can be most important exercise in infancy of your business.

There are several great _ resources to help put successful plans such as  and .

3. Do I need __ services?

You are an expert __ your industry but not _ in other areas critical __ your success. It’s important __ connect with the right _ to help you including __ accountant, attorney, banker and _ agent.

4. How much is _ going to cost?

In every startup business are startup costs such __ renting a space, equipment, inventory. When creating your , it is also essential __ create a projection of _ and costs as detailed __ possible.

At the end of day the goal is __ make money.

A good place to is a local Small Business Development Center which can provide _ and guidance when putting _ together.

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