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5 Digital Marketing Tips Small Business Owners

Great Western Bank is _ to working with businesses __ all sizes. We strive __ help increase our business __&; profits and improve their _ stability. The rise of __ marketing and social media has _ it easier for small to achieve actual results _ a smaller marketing budget.

We assembled a few __ our marketing and communications __ from within the bank __ share advice and help plan your marketing efforts the upcoming year.

1. Stop one-time campaigns

Use social media and __ publishing on the web __ grow and improve your __ digital presence. Don’t utilize platforms for one-time campaigns __ abandon them when the __ are not immediate. Instead, __ them as a critical __ part of improving your &;_ overall digital experience.

Pro Tip:  The content your business _ online should provide value __ your customer base.

2. Optimize towards a _

Marketing efforts should be __ in working towards a __ goal. Materials should all _ further your company towards _ realized goal.

Pro Tip:  Ensure proper tracking is __ place to know where are at, at any moment in relation to _ goal.

3. Use the data

No matter how big __ small, you know the _ about your business and customers. Log the information collect and use it __ improve the experience you __ to your customers.

Pro Tip:  Make note of the _ you make strategic or _ changes. Observe how the _ collected is affected by key changes and use _ information to drive future _ decisions.

4. Go mobile 

Information is increasingly consumed __--__. If your company isn’t in a mobile-friendly manner, _ is the year to _ that happen.

Pro Tip:  See how your website on a smartphone using _&_; free mobile-friendly test .

5. Use email 

Email marketing is not _. It’s actually a quite _ effective and powerful tool marketing. Just be sure __ ask permission, no one spam in their inbox. more about CAN-SPAM regulations  here .

Pro Tip:  Test sending emails at _ times of the day __ determine which time works _.

You can trust Great __ Bank to work with on the road to success. Find a business banker _ you.

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