Making Life Great Grants _ 2019

Making Life Great Grants

Coming Together to Create Communities

Great Western Bank is _ to giving back and awarded another round of _ Life Great grants to _ non-profit organizations within our _- footprint. We are proud __ support organizations that are _ to our communities and _ align with our values. _ what our recent recipients to say:


YMCA of Cass and _ Counties

Thank you to Great __ Bank for your Making _ Great grant in support __ YMCA Child Care Scholarships __ our Partner of Youth _ Campaign. Because of you, and their families will _ access to the high-quality environment they need to __.

Last December, Arin Wuraola faced with several major _ changes – both exciting also challenging. She was to start a new , but first needed to _ affordable child care for growing family including then -_-, Zoe, and her brand-new _ twins. Arin wanted to _ Zoe to the YMCA __ of its’ reputable child _ programs, but was worried being able to afford __.

By receiving financial assistance __ the YMCA’s Partner of Annual Campaign, Zoe was _ to start attending the _ last January. Now, Zoe _ to learn and grow _ a classroom of peers, _ quality foundational education that _ give her the tools &;__ need to succeed in _.

Since enrolling, Arin has _ a great change in &;_ ability to learn new _, make friends, be comfortable _ adults, and she has _ a caring big sister __ her twin siblings.

Zoe has taken full _ of the other programs __ at the YMCA as _ – being a consistent at swimming lessons at Fercho YMCA, and music __ in her classroom. As mother, Arin, says, “We _ appreciate the kind of __ we have received from YMCA. We are thankful all the great teachers friends we have made attending.”

Through grant dollars from Western Bank that will __ income-based scholarships for YMCA _ programs, children in our _, like Zoe, will be _ to participate in programs _ every child should have _ to. Through these programs, learn life lessons and to be part of _ community that encourages them __ making good life choices. __ return, parents are also up to remain in workforce, allowing them to to provide for their _&;_ financial needs. Thank you __ Great Western Bank for __ to provide access to _ learning environment these students their families need to __ and be prepared for __ and beyond!


St. Francis House, Sioux

The St. Francis House __ very grateful for our _ with Great Western Bank. _ support has allowed us __ grow our agency not _ by becoming a strong _ non-profit, but to have guidance and support to our Homelessness to Hope __ Campaign to build a home for our guests.

The St. Francis House in supporting a home _ for each of our _, but they are accountable meeting the requirements of programs. Initially, our guests in a seven day __ which requires them to _ employment while encouraging their _-. After the seven days, _ are moved to the __ Program where they meet _ with our Program Coordinator. meetings focus on debt , personal goals, and maintaining with emphasis in career _ and capabilities. Once they _ lived in our home 4 months, they move __ the Hope Program- a __ curriculum. While in this __, our guests then have opportunity to gain independence, their personal goals and _ a seamless transition to outside world which increases likelihood of long term __. The ability to receive _ gift provides a nice _ for our guests, allows _ to become successful.


Youth and Family Services

Youth & Family Services __ proud to partner with Western Bank in meeting needs of our community’s _ vulnerable children. Together we providing opportunities that encourage to dream bigger and __ consider all possibilities, regardless __ the obstacles and challenges _ they face.

Great Western Bank is as a leader in community for their efforts __ “Making Life Great”. Youth & Family Services is deeply for their generosity and __ that improves the quality __ life for low-to-moderate income and their families within community by providing needed . It is with sincere _ that we accept Great __ Bank’s grant award of $9,500.

These funds will support Facility Expansion project that __ designed to meet the __ demand for our programs services, including advocacy, child _, education, mentoring, counseling, nutrition, _ engagement, and prevention services. _ of the youth served dealing with tough issues _ as poverty, homelessness, obesity, struggles, abuse, violence, and _ insecurity. Great Western Bank’s ensures that 2,100 additional will be nurtured, cared , and supported.


Thrive Transformation at Work

Great Western Bank’s investment __ Thrive will help more _ experience hope through the _ power of work. Thrive __ are actively seeking to barriers and are working way to self-sufficiency through . The funds received from Making Life Great grant _ allow us to continue __ expand where we offer _ and how many people __ are able to serve.


Food Fort of Lincoln, __

Food Fort would like __ thank Great Western Bank partnering with us in gift of the $3,000 _ Life Great Grant. We _ use these funds to to have an impact __ the under resourced youth _ in Lincoln Nebraska. Bringing _ "family dinner table" into where family dinner tables lacking, and providing a home cooked meal each _ for an average of 170 youth each week. What _ huge blessing these youth to have on myself our team and with funds we will seek simply to bring resources __ these communities, but to to become a part __ the communities living along _ of them.


Mitchell Area Safehouse

The support of Great __ Bank allows the Mitchell _ Safehouse to continue to __ safe and empowering environment women and children of Mitchell area and surrounding counties. Ashley Hobbs, Development , stated, “It is such __ honor to be a _ of the Making Life grant. Our goal is __ build a safe community women and children to _ them get through some times and get back __ their feet. This partnership _ Great Western Bank has __ us to do that we are grateful.” The Area Safehouse is a __ and provides services of , education, and family support .


Junior Achievement of Eastern __

The generous donation from Great Western Bank Foundation _ provide 8,933 Waterloo Community _ District students with quality _ Achievement programs and curriculum. , we will teach these the importance of earning, _ and spending money wisely how career choice impacts . Thank you for investing __ our future workforce.


United Inner City Services

Branch Managers Ashlee Carroll Hollis Joslin presented a _ Life Great Grant to _ Inner City Services. The of $5,000 will go __ helping empower youth through childhood education. At UICS, __ child is too young __ be a student. With _ statistics of a 33% _ rate when entering into __, students who come through _ program are entering with _ 90%+ readiness rate.


Avera McKennan Foundation

The funds received from Making Life Great grant _ support the Farm and Stress Services offered at . Avera offers the Farm Rural Stress Hotline for __ and ranchers to talk _ skilled, compassionate mental health to help navigate symptoms _ as anxiety and depression. hotline was developed to _ financial barriers that otherwise affect the decision to _ help or treatment. “This been an unusually stressful _ for the agricultural community. combination of poor weather and trade turmoil has _ things difficult for our __ and ranchers this past _. Mental health care in rural population is what __ specialize in and we _ our agriculture friends to _ that we are here them” said Matthew Stanley, __ and Clinical Vice President Behavioral Health Services.


Matt Talbot Kitchen and in Lincoln, NE

Matt Talbot Kitchen & in Lincoln, Nebraska welcomes _ to walk through their _ doors and get a meal two times a , every day of the _. Annually Matt Talbot provides _ than 110,000 meals to _ and families who are _ experiencing homelessness or who near homeless. Another important __ of the Hunger Relief __ is that while individuals on-site they can learn the other prevention services _ at Matt Talbot such __ case management, life skills , housing, shower & laundry and other help with and emergency needs. It __ a safe and welcoming where those who struggle find respite, peace and hope.

Grant County Christian Service __

The funds we received _ Great Western Bank helped __ our Back to School . This event assist low _ families by providing necessary for back to school. __ were able to help 133 kids this year. The _ to school event provides for the students. They _ receive a voucher to clothing at the local _ Store. We also provide __ vouchers as well as _ voucher for socks, shoes, underwear.


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