External Transfers FAQ

With Great Western ebanking, can make two types __ external transfers: transfers between _ accounts and to/from other _. Transfers between your accounts be completed through online __ between accounts you have _ us and those you _ at other financial institutions. _ or request money to from other people using ® , available through both _ and mobile banking. Please _: money cannot be requested __ the mobile app; money be sent using the _'_ phone number or email __.

To access external transfers _ online banking, select external _ from the move money menu. Then, select Transfer __ My Accounts or Pay People. The Pay Other _ (Popmoney ® ) option is also _ through the Great Western mobile app. Click on ® to get started!

There are no fees with the service when is sent to Great __ Bank via Standard Delivery (3 business days). There is _ $3 fee for money _ to an account outside __ the Bank via Standard . The fee for Express (next business day) is $10 for both money sent __ and from Great Western _. Fees are presented at time a transaction is _.&_;

Yes. For your protection, _ have been created on much and how often can be transferred between _ accounts with us and __ other financial institutions during __ time periods. A full _ of limits is displayed __ the time a transaction __ scheduled.

Number of transaction daily _: 15
Number of transaction monthly _: 30
Minimum transaction amount: $10

Using the Transfer Between __ Accounts tool within Great __ ebanking online banking, you _ first need to enter _ account information for your __ account(s). To do so, Add a New Account follow the prompts. After have entered your account _, you can transfer money __ or from your outside choosing the amount and _ you would like the transferred. Recurring transfers can _ be set up at __ frequencies.

Qualifications exist for Express (next business day) for _ protection:
Express Delivery Out:

  • A minimum of $750 _ be in your account the transfer executes to __ for this service.

Express Delivery In:

  • A minimum of $500 (_ or cumulative transfers) must __ transferred via Standard Delivery to qualifying for Express .
  • Eligibility for Express Delivery _ 60 days after $500 been transferred via Standard through this service.

Popmoney ® is an innovative __ service that eliminates the __ of checks and cash. , sending and receiving money __ as easy as emailing texting. 

Popmoney ® is easy and for you and the _ you send money to... _ can simply receive the into their bank account _, saving them a trip __ the bank.

Use Popmoney ® to:

  • Send money to your at college
  • Send a gift to _ and friends
  • Pay back friends for _ fun outing
  • Pay your babysitter or _ lawn care service
  • Pay rent to your or roommates

After you enter your __ information, you can send __ request money from your . They will be notified __ email or text message _ you wish to send or are requesting money _ them. You and your will never need to financial account information.

Sending Money
To send money, log __ to Great Western ebanking select External Transfers from Move Money dropdown menu. _ the steps to send to anyone using his/her address, mobile number or _ account information. You will __ notified when the transaction __ completed. Money can also be _ using Popmoney ® on the mobile with the recipient's phone _ or email address.

Receiving Money
You will receive an or text message informing that someone sent you . Log in to Great __ ebanking to approve the _.

No, your bank account _ will not be shared _ the recipient. Your recipient _ see your first name, _ name, and the message wrote for the payment; __ you sent the payment __ your contact's email address, _ recipient will also see _ email address. Similarly, you '_ be able to see _ recipient's bank account information.

Verification of your email __ and phone number is for security reasons. Entering correct verification codes ensures _ you have access to _ email and phone. You also be asked to _ your mobile phone in future to send and __ payments.

You can send or __ money from someone using /:

Email address: your contact will __ an email with instructions __ how to direct the __ into his or her _ account or how to the request.

Mobile number: a text message _ be sent to the _ on your behalf with __ on how to direct payment into his or bank account or how __ pay the request. If recipient does not respond __ the payment notification after 3 days, a reminder text __ will be sent on _ behalf to the recipient _ them to act on payment notification. You may _ to tell your contact _ standard Message and Data may apply.

Bank account information (routing account number): the money will __ directly deposited into your __'_ bank account. You will _ have the option to _ the contact an email. _ note: money cannot be _ to recipients using their _ account information through the _ app.

There are no fees with the service when is sent via Standard (3 business days).

The fee for Express (next business day) is $10. Fees are presented at time a transaction is _.&_;

The timing to receive funds depends on the _ of account used to _ the payment. The delivery will be displayed when schedule the payment. It take additional time if _ contact has not used ® or will have __ log in and accept payment.

If you are sending payment notification through email your contact wants to __ the funds into their __, s/he must provide his/her __ information by 10:00 p.m. __ in order to receive funds the next business .

There are two delivery _ available for sending the __:

Standard Delivery - 3 days
Your contact will receive money in 3 business _ if you're sending money __ someone who has used ® and turned on _ Deposit or if you _ provided your contact's bank __ information. 

If you are sending payment via email or _, your contact must provide / bank account information; s/he _ receive the funds within 3 business days.

Express Delivery - Next day
Your contact will receive money the next business if you're sending money __ someone who has used ® and turned on _ Deposit or if you _ provided your contact's bank __ information. 

If you are sending payment via email or _, the funds will be _ to your recipient the _ business day after he/she provided his/her bank account _ (by 10:00 p.m. PT).

Yes. For your protection, _ have been created on much money and how _ payments can be sent _ various time periods. A _ list of limits is _ at the time a _ is scheduled.

Number of transaction daily _: 15
Number of transaction monthly _: 30
Minimum transaction amount: $10

No. Fee will be only If you receive _ payment. No fee will __ charged if the request __ not paid.

No, currently you can _ use Popmoney ® to send money _ the U.S. If you _ a payment to your __'_ email or mobile device, _ contact will be required __ provide a U.S. bank __ to receive the funds. _, the payment cannot be _ and the funds will __ returned to your bank __.

Yes, a payment may __ cancelled any time before __ on the send date. _ contact will be notified __ you cancel a payment a payment notification has _ sent.

Qualifications exist for Express (next business day) for _ protection:

  • A minimum of $500 (_ or cumulative transfers) must __ transferred via Standard Delivery to qualifying for Express .
  • Eligibility for Express Delivery _ 60 days after $500 been transferred via Standard through this service.