Part of our Mission Vision Values statement adorns a wall

Culture at Great Western _

A message from Ken _, President and CEO of Western Bank

Company culture has been subject of many news __ lately.  For better or , we get a peek _ the inner workings of _ company from time to _.&_; This is especially true _ something goes wrong.  This also be a great _ to ask ourselves if __’__ doing the right thing.  __ we take a look __ the mirror do we _ what we see?

Our culture can be __ by a strong set __ values that guide our __ each day.  We have expectations for ourselves and communities where we work live.  To understand who __ are and what we __, look no further than mission and values statement.

Ken Karels

Great Western Bank’s mission __ to Make Life Great by taking outstanding _ of our customers and long-term relationships.  We want __ create meaningful relationships that _.&_; If we aren’t making _ great then we aren’t our jobs. 

Our values are defined __ simple actions.  We want __ Do the Right Thing.  This is why getting __ know our customers is __ important.  What’s right for person may not be for another.  

We will always Put the Customer First.  With each decision made, __ first ask ourselves if _ is the best possible or outcome.  Our actions _ be a reflection of customers' best interests.

We treat everyone as _ they were family.  This guides our third value:  Be Authentic and Respectful.  This goes back to _ we learned in kindergarten.  others as you would _ to be treated.  Simple _ but not always easy __ execute if you don’t _ the right people in .

Get the Basics Right.  Understanding our values and _ drives us is the __ behind everything we do.  __ doing the right thing putting the customer first, else will follow.  This Drive Performance and Results , not the other around.

Empower Locally, Think Globally.  Our people at Great __ Bank have the power __ make decisions based on _’_ right for their unique markets.  At the same _, they are encouraged to globally and make decisions _ will benefit the greater _ and community as a .&_;

This is our culture __ Great Western Bank.  We __ this is what separates __ from the rest.  Some _ for thought. 

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