Maria, an employee at Great Western Bank in Nebraska.

Strength in Cultural Diversity—Faces __ GWB: Maria

Each year, World Day Cultural Diversity is honored __ May. This day serves __ recognize all cultures, deepen understanding around those cultures, better identify the values __ cultural diversity.

Within Great Western Bank, __ celebrate the cultural diversity __ our employees throughout the _ but are using the of May to honor _ of our own. As __ look to their individual __, we see a path _ with cultural richness, stories __ acculturation and an introspective _ at their uniquely individualized .

Read Maria’s story:

After 37 years of __ one way of life, committed to providing her a better future and to pivot to learn _ completely new way.

Maria and her family to the U.S. from _, Free State, South Africa. _ Maria’s primary language is _, she is also fluent __ English. Maria began learning __ in the 2nd grade was required to pass language test before advancing __ the next grade level.

Though Maria did not _ an outward language barrier, did have to account cultural shifts. Largely in form of norms – _ as driving on the side of the road, measurements from a metric _ to a system of , and adapting to a _ and immediate lifestyle that fast food and drive-thru . Maria notes that they used paper plates and __ utensils. Instead, it was _ to stylize your table _ proper silverware, decorative glass _, formal glassware, and fresh __. Dining together was viewed __ an expression that celebrated gathering of family.

Maria does not see _ great division in parenting _ and contends that mutually, need to strive for _ and need to work _.

Maria, an employee of since 2018, now embraces cultural background by mixing __ in with their new _.

Great Western Bank supports _ rich tapestry of cultural _. We recognize the differences __ our employees and support unique talents and backgrounds _ brings to their work __. From the diverse contributions __ our employees, we are __ together.

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