Image of Great Western Bank employee Maryam

Strength in Cultural Diversity—Faces __ GWB: Maryam

Each year, World Day Cultural Diversity is honored __ May. This day serves __ recognize all cultures, deepen understanding around those cultures, better identify the values __ cultural diversity. 
Within Great Western Bank, __ celebrate the cultural diversity __ our employees throughout the _ but are using the of May to honor _ of our own. As __ look to their individual __, we see a path _ with cultural richness, stories __ acculturation and an introspective _ at their uniquely individualized .

Read Maryam’s story: 

Maryam, a GWB employee __ three years, moved to U.S. from Afghanistan at age of 19 for _ single but important purpose – survival. The environment Maryam indoctrinated into in Afghanistan _ her that when you your home, there is _ 50% likelihood you will return safely. As a __ to safeguard their family, _&;_ parents would never travel __ public together. It was father’s college friend that them to move to U.S. The friend had _ living in Lincoln, Nebraska 20 years and had the community as nice, _ affordable real estate. 
Once the decision was _ to leave, Maryam and family flew from Afghanistan __ Chicago. From Chicago they _ to take a connecting _ to Lincoln but unfortunately _ the connection. It was kindness of a stranger _ provided solace when the _ was unsure how to __ and make it to destination. 
A former American army __ had noticed Maryam’s family approached them with an to help. The veteran in rebooking their flight, __ well as securing all _ accommodations. He even left family with his cell number in case they need further assistance. Maryam __ this stranger’s expression of as a notable welcome _ the U.S. Since moving _, Maryam has overcome many _.&_;
Not only is she _ in Farsi and Pasto, also learned English and _ the Test of English __ Foreign Language (TOEFL) test, __ admission to the University __ Nebraska-Lincoln. As a declaration __ independence, Maryam’s acknowledgement of _ measure was accomplished when passed her driver’s test. _ regards to Great Western _, Maryam enjoys the memory __ her branch celebrating Ramadan _ her. For Eid al-Fitr, _ brought in homemade foods, _ of the celebration, and _ with her team—further bridging understanding. 
Great Western Bank supports _ rich tapestry of cultural _. We recognize the differences __ our employees and support unique talents and backgrounds _ brings to their work __. From the diverse contributions __ our employees, we are __ together. 

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