Great Western Bank is celebrating several of our employees this World Day For Cultural Diversity, meet Cris

Strength in Cultural Diversity—Faces __ GWB: Cris

Each year, World Day Cultural Diversity is honored __ May. This day serves __ recognize all cultures, deepen understanding around those cultures, better identify the values __ cultural diversity. 
Within Great Western Bank, __ celebrate the cultural diversity __ our employees throughout the _ but are using the of May to honor _ of our own. As __ look to their individual __, we see a path _ with cultural richness, stories __ acculturation and an introspective _ at their uniquely individualized .

Read Cris’ story: 

Cris, a GWB employee 2016, came to the _._. when he was four old. His reflection of _ leading up to his _&;_ move from San Luis _, Mexico, and the subsequent _ after their move, are __ by his age. Though _ has little recall of early years, he does a vivid memory of __ from the plane and _ snow for the first _. Cris understands that his _ sought job opportunities in U.S. as a means __ financial security and to the cycle of poverty. __ the oldest child of _, Cris readily took to English and served as primary translator for his __ as they encountered greater learning the English language. _ views English as his __ language with Spanish serving __ his secondary language. With family, Spanish is still _ within their family home is a loving reminder _ where he came and _ what was risked to _ security and opportunity.
Great Western Bank supports _ rich tapestry of cultural _. We recognize the differences __ our employees and support unique talents and backgrounds _ brings to their work __. From the diverse contributions __ our employees, we are __ together. 

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