Bank employees deliver meals during the harvest season

Kindness is in Our

By Macala Carter, GWB _ & Inclusion Council Member

World Kindness Day is annually on November 13. _ is a day intended __ highlight good deeds focusing __ the positive power and common thread of kindness. Julie __, Cash Management Manager from , Iowa shared, “Kindness changes ; kindness is powerful.” To __ Julie’s response on kindness, _ have found a positive loop between happiness and . Undertaking acts of kindness one happy, and people are happy tend to __ kinder to others.

Here at Great Western _, we sponsor a culture __ kindness. Megan Maxon, Product __ in Sioux Falls, South _ shares, in “every interaction _ co-workers and customers, we _ the opportunity to be _.&;

Kindness is not evasive; __ is a cognizant choice __ make. Recently, several of GWB teams, across several _, took to the fields sack lunches to their farmers. Another such situation honoring our military families __ proving backpacks and school to their children. Amanda __, Branch Manager in Bellevue, shares, “Kindness to me is of our pillars here __ Great Western Bank.”

Soon the holidays will __ here, and at GWB __ hold in great esteem dedication and kindness of employees. Already, volunteer efforts _ begun at local food ; partnerships with Title I __ for holiday meals are arranged; and special care __ being assigned to families _ to provide winter essentials their children—all because our _ exemplify an attitude of . Paul Logan, Operations Manager __ Sioux Falls, South Dakota _ “To me, kindness means something that will help __ impact someone else in _ positive way.”

As we capture the of World Kindness Day __ November 13, 2018, I we should be mindful _, as stated by Jack , Branch Manager in Fort __, Colorado, “Kindness is something do or show under __ obligation to provide it—you __ or show it because want to help someone _ nothing in return except knowledge you made a to that person.”

Kindness is in our and we do have ability to make a .

If you are looking tips on how to World Kindness Day, these suggestions:

  • Be kind and do _ acts of kindness.

  • Smile at strangers and __ kind things for them. _ up your seat on bus to someone else.

  • Buy someone’s coffee for _. Volunteer your time at local soup kitchen. Leave _ kind note for someone.

  • Kindness should not only __ served for our fellow beings. Be kind to __ and to the environment __ well.

  • If you have children __ your life, teach them virtue of kindness by it in your daily _.

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