Jeff Burright

Jeff Burright

Mortgage Loan Officer

Additional Branches Served:
Metro Des Moines _

Great Western Bank

2110 __ Delaware Ave
Ankeny, IA 50021

Jeff is dedicated to _ his clients with courteous __ and sound financial advice. __ has a Bachelor's Degree __ Finance from Iowa State and has been in mortgage industry for over 15 years in the Ankeny _, providing customers with the _ possible mortgage products available.

Jeff will work hard __ ensure that you get loan that best fits _ goals. Whether you are your first home, second _, refinancing your existing, or the home of your _, Jeff will listen to _ individual situation to provide best recommendation possible.

He is actively involved __ the Ankeny community, an _ Iowa State fan, a _ fan, and loves golf, _ and building relationships with customer.

Jeff is married to high school sweetheart, Shannon. _ have a son, Mason, a daughter, Makiya.

If you are looking a loan officer who _ treat you like family ensure you are satisfied _ your experience throughout the process, give Jeff a _ today!

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