Stock photo of a mortgage loan officer meeting with a young couple

Dos and Don’ts for _ Smooth Mortgage Loan Process

Now that you have __ to obtain financing for _ mortgage loan, there are _ few things to consider. borrower wants their mortgage _ experience to be simple stress free. It may always feel like this __ the case with the __ amount of detailed documentation _ is being asked of to provide, but believe __ or not, your lender the same outcome.

In order to close _ loan quick, for everyone __ sleep at night, and __ provide the best service we suggest following this _ of Dos and Don’ts:

  • Do: Promptly provide all _ requested by your loan __ and processor to speed __ your loan being approved.

  • Don’t: Leave out pertinent __ on your loan application, _ as recently filed tax , unpaid child support, a __ lawsuit or a work _.

  • Do: Ask your loan __ plenty of questions and __ a good listener.

  • Don’t: Think that any is a “dumb” question. job is to keep informed of the entire _ process and we are to help.

  • Do: Keep your assets __ stable as possible during origination process and discuss __ with your Mortgage Loan __ to proactively address any _. Moving money between accounts create the need for documentation.

  • Don’t: Apply for new _ (like credit cards or _ a new car) without with your Mortgage Loan first. Taking on additional _ could change your ability __ qualify for the loan __ affect the terms that be offered. Your credit __ consistently monitored throughout the loan process.

  • Do: Make sure you __ with your Mortgage Loan before taking any extended or extended periods of otherwise unavailable. Additional documentation be needed for the of your loan and delay closing.

  • Don’t: Forget to connect _ your homeowners’ insurance agent in the process. Often _ is one of the _ things on a homebuyer’s _ but we need to _ who your agent is __ least a week before __ can close your loan.

  • Do: Ask your mortgage _ officer for a Loan and discuss the terms conditions of your loan.

  • Don’t: Rely on vague such as “Don’t worry the new loan size” __ “I’ll get you a rate”

Lastly, the most important to remember is to _ your mortgage loan officer _ informed of any changes __ circumstances so we can _ they won’t affect your __ to get a home _. Transparency is always a _ practice to follow.

Apply for a Mortgage _ Online or find a Mortgage Loan __ near you .

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