online fraud

Examples of Online and _ Fraud

Phishing and Spoofing

Phishing and spoofing are common examples of online . Both involve a deceptive __ to gain your personal _.

For instance, some criminals send you an email _ looks as if it come from Great Western _, encouraging you to go __ a website or call _ phone number and provide __ numbers, passwords, etc. They _ often go to great __ to make the fake __ look authentic. But here’s _ you should be aware __ to protect yourself:

  • Asking for personal information __ a red flag. Period. Western Bank will NEVER for any personal information __ an email. We already _ your Social Security number, card PIN, and other numbers. The criminals don’t.
  • Similarly, don’t pay attention __ urgent appeals claiming your __ is about to be _ if you fail to __ or verify your personal _. We will never ask for this type of _ in that way.
  • Sometimes the scammers will that the bank is its security system and _ you need to re-input _ personal information. Again, any that makes such a is NOT from Great __ Bank.
  • Offers that sound too _ to be true usually . For instance, you may __ asked to fill out _ short customer service survey __ exchange for money being to your account—and then __ provide your account number __ make sure the money _ deposited properly. You will get such a request _ Great Western Bank.
  • Typos and other errors often the mark of emails or websites. Be __ the lookout for typos, _ errors, awkward writing, and _ visual design.

To protect against phishing spoofing:

  • Make sure you are __ the Great Western ebanking page when you sign __ to Great Western ebanking _. You can do so __ typing in your __. If you’re using a _ browser, it will turn _ address bar green.
  • If you receive a email, do not click __ any links or reply __ it. Simply delete it. __ it claims to be _ Great Western Bank, please the Contact Us form to alert us __ the email.

Money Mules

Money mules are unsuspecting __ who become middlemen for _ trying to launder stolen anonymously. Victims are lured __ the promise of a career opportunity making large _ of money for minimal _. Criminals recruit ordinary people __ their money mules, send _ stolen money, and ask victims to wire or the money to the _&;_ leaving the victim a “commission” for helping with the _.

The victims of these may not only have bank accounts closed and _ reputation ruined, but are left financially responsible for _ the stolen funds.

Common signs of a mule scam:

  • Overseas companies requesting money agents in the U.S..
  • Opening new bank accounts __ receive money from someone don’t know.
  • Accepting large sums of into your personal bank __ for a new job.
  • Transferring or wiring funds of your personal bank __ to people you don’t _.


Short for “malicious software,” term malware includes viruses, __, and trojans designed to or damage a computer _, steal personal information, and _ fraud. There are a _ of easy ways to the risk of being _ malware victim:

  • Be aware that downloads _ file-sharing and social networking can be a major _ of malware.
  • Don’t open or install _ or free software from __ sources.
  • Beware of any pop-up asking for personal or _ information.
  • Update your security and _ software.


Vishing is done over _ Internet Protocol (VoIP). The __ leaves an automated recording, _ consumers that their accounts _ experienced unusual activity and _ them to call a number that turns out __ be fake. Just as __ phishing and spoofing, the _ are looking for account __ and PINs.

If you receive such _ recording, do not call number given. Instead, call Western Bank at our service number, 1-800-952-2043.